Energy Vampires: How to Deal with Energy Draining and Negative People

There are people who drain you and suck your energy. You know that feeling you have when you live with them, you feel drained. You need to separate yourself from this person, have no contact at all and stay away from these energy vampires.

If they have been in your space, do a cleansing in your space. It's best to have no contact with this person. Usually, people that drain you are narcissistic sociopaths or physcopaths that only bring negative energy by manipulation. Everyone has an intuition and energy field around them that they can feel. Because you’re dealing with negative energy, it leaves you feeling drained, emotional, moody, or even angry.

If you encounter this kind of person with this energy into your space, cleanse your space with a burning of sage or incense and repeat your intention, say it out loud into the space and you will actually feel the change in the room. Taking away toxic energy will calm you. Avoid these people that you know you are going to encounter an energy vampire.

These kinds of people are scab-pickers; they have the need to find fault with everything, except themselves, never taking responsibility for their lives or issues they’re always complaining about. It’s always someone else’s fault, never theirs.

Oh, but they love their issues, reveling in how someone or a situation has created their problem and never wanting to take responsibility for any of it. And they want to suck you into their world of blame and criticism as well.


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